Kazoo Engineering Blog

Thoughts and musings on building a platform from the Kazoo engineering team.

Work with Us

Hello! We’re so thrilled you’re applying to join us!

Our interview process has 4 easy steps and is typically completed in 1-2 weeks.

  1. Apply (optionally with code sample) - 10 minutes
  2. Complete assessments - 30 minutes to 3 hours
    • CCAT
    • Personality assessment
    • Optionally submit code challenge
  3. Hiring manager interview - 30 minutes
  4. Final interviews (back-to-back or separate at candidate preference)
    • Technical interview - 60 minutes, which includes a pair programming component and may include the hiring manager
    • Culture and values interview - 60 minutes, which may include cross-functional interviews for certain roles
    • Executive interview for leadership roles - 30 minutes
    • HR interview - 30 minutes


  1. What interests you in this role with us?
  2. What are the key factors that encourage you to perform at your best?
  3. What does a good company culture look like to you?


In the interest of time, I’d like to also invite you to take our assessment as the next step in our process. We firmly believe that our most valuable asset is our people. We’ve built an amazing team and culture here, and want to continue and improve upon that trend.

In that spirit, we ask all of our candidates to join us in completing the two different profile assessments. The first one, CCAT, assesses verbal, quantitative, and logic-driven skills that will be critical for each department’s new hires. The second one is based on understanding interpersonal and personality traits that are common among employees in our various different departments—once again to make sure we are hiring and staffing the right candidates for each department’s needs.

You will receive an email with this subject: “YouEarnedIt Assessment Request.” We are eager to fill this role quickly, so this assessment link will expire in 5 days. Having said that, the sooner you complete it the sooner we can move forward with your candidacy. Please note the CCAT portion of the assessment will need to be repeated in a proctored environment if both you and our team decide to continue the interview process.

Please let us know if you require any special accommodation in order to complete this portion of our recruiting process.

Here are some CCAT resources to help you prepare. We highly suggest checking these out first:

Code Sample

The best conversations we can have with candidates are conversations around code. So before we schedule a technical interview, we need a sample of new or existing code you’ve written.

In the technical interview, we’ll review this code together and pair program to add a feature. You can submit an existing code sample or complete a code challenge.

Submit a code sample

If you have existing work that matches the criteria below, great! Just attach it to your application.

Code challenges

If you don’t have code you can share with us or just want to demonstrate your latest skills, you can pick any one of these challenges and spend no more than 1-3 hours.

Front End

Write a React component that can filter and sort Github issues from a fixture. Include some basic styles; we just want to see the technical approach to CSS and you won’t be critically evaluated on the design. Use the public Github API or Github’s GraphQL API, and target the Rails repository as the data source for GitHub issues.

Back End

Write an API with CRUD operations over a set of Github issues. The data store should be in-memory; we want to see how you model persistence without the complexity of standing up a real database. Use a familiar approach like REST, GraphQL or framework of your choice. You can use the Rails repository, or another public repository of your choice as seed data.

Full Stack

Build a URL minifier service. The input is a URL and the output is a unique shortened URL.

Bonus points for a Dockerfile that allows reviewers to build and run your code.


For these challenges we want to see that you can:

We love looking at elegant solutions, but don’t be too crafty or non-normal in your coding style. We’re looking to see that you follow common standards and conventions and that you follow well-understood paradigms like DRY, separation of concerns, and good object orientation in Ruby or composition in React.

Dos and Don’ts